Carte Julia Child: Mastering the Art of French Cooking volumul 2

Soups from the garden, bisques from the sea, famous fish stews from Provence and Normandy, the real French crunchy bread, meats, vegetables and desserts in variety, all accompanied by step-by-step instructions and superb illustrations, and all in imperial units for British cooks.

Dana Dumitrescu

Inainte sa se apuce de gatit, Dana nu stia sa faca mai nimic in afara de Cartofi prajiti, o Friptura aruncata in cuptor si o Salata din cruditati... Tot ce invata nou si toate retetele pe care le experimenteaza sunt postate pe Site-ul este creat special pentru a-si pune in ordine retetele, dar si pentru a inspira alti oameni in gatitul practic, de zi-cu-zi.

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Everything you see I owe to spaghetti.Sophia Loren

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