Soups from the garden, bisques from the sea, famous fish stews from Provence and Normandy, the real French crunchy bread, meats, vegetables and desserts in...
„This isn’t just any cookery book. It is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and it’s a book that is a statement, not of culinary intent,...
Acesta carte a fost ecranizata in 2009, scenariul si regia fiind semnate de Nora Ephron, in rolurile principale jucand Meryl Streep (Julia) si Amy Adams (Julie). Ajunsa la varsta de...
Oricat de tentat ai fi sa adaugi si alte ingrediente la simplista supa de praz cu cartofi, eu te provoc: Incearc-o fix asa! Gusta-o si… numara in gand cam cate...